H I G H D R A M A! S T E E R H O R N D E S K L A M P G R A B T H E B U L L B Y T H E H O R N S! B I O M O R P H I C E Y E C A N D Y! 1 9 5 7. Mid Century lamp by unknown artisan. Features three steer horns manipulated and integrated into a lamp form. A very unique and distinctive lamp. This understated design holds a lot of visual appeal and looks devastating on a Knoll credenza or a floating wall cabinet. This lamp would also be almost too perfect in a stockbroker’s modern minded office! It would also be the perfect lamp for a Nakashima table! The black steer tip legs contrast wonderfully with the center horn and the curves create a wonderful form completely devoid of straight lines! Horns show natural wear. Switch on the center horn turns on an ingeniously crafted socket within the horn. D R A M A T I C I L L U M I N A T I O N F O R Y O U R S T Y L I S H I N T E R I O R S!